Educational Multimedia Centre     
BOTANY1.Cell Biology Genetics &plant B ✧PlayVideo
2.Mathematical Physics - I ✧PlayVideo
3.Morphology Of Angiosperms ✧PlayVideo
4.Physical Methods Of Gene Trans ✧PlayVideo
5.Psychological Statistics And R ✧PlayVideo
6.Pteridophytes ✧PlayVideo
7.Stomata Structure And Function ✧PlayVideo
BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION1.Advertising And Sales Promotio ✧PlayVideo
2.Case Companion Teaching ✧PlayVideo
3.Change Management: Power & Inf ✧PlayVideo
4.Data Analytic Simulation: Stra ✧PlayVideo
5.Industrial Relations ✧PlayVideo
6.Management Principles-part-i ✧PlayVideo
7.Management Principles-part-i ✧PlayVideo
8.Managerial Economics ✧PlayVideo
9.Managerial Economics ✧PlayVideo
10.Marketing Research And Consume ✧PlayVideo
11.Mba Project Work & Viva Voce ✧PlayVideo
12.Marketing Management ✧PlayVideo
13.Organisational Behaviour - Cha ✧PlayVideo
14.Organizational Behaviourself L ✧PlayVideo
15.Organizational Development And ✧PlayVideo
16.Product And Service Marketing ✧PlayVideo
17.Research Methodology & Statist ✧PlayVideo
18.Research Methodology & Statist ✧PlayVideo
CHEMISTRY1.Air Pollution ✧PlayVideo
2.Bacterial Cell Envelope Struct ✧PlayVideo
3.Chemical Kinetics ✧PlayVideo
4.Chemistry Of Natural Products( ✧PlayVideo
5.Corrosion ✧PlayVideo
6.Diffraction Methods ✧PlayVideo
7.Photo-electron Spectroscopy ✧PlayVideo
8.Polymers ✧PlayVideo
9.Polymers ✧PlayVideo
10.Thermochemistry ✧PlayVideo
11.Thermodynamics ✧PlayVideo
COMMERCE1.Elements Of Marketing ✧PlayVideo
2.Financial Markets And Institut ✧PlayVideo
COMPUTER SCIENCE 1.Machine Learning - Basics ✧PlayVideo
ECONOMICS1.Research Methodology-part-i ✧PlayVideo
EDUCATION1.Methodology Of Teaching Physic ✧PlayVideo
ENGLISH1.Creating Coherence In Writing ✧PlayVideo
2.Listening Skills ✧PlayVideo
3.Punctuation Marks ✧PlayVideo
4.Root Words In English ✧PlayVideo
5.Techniques For Writing Precise ✧PlayVideo
6.Women's Writing ✧PlayVideo
7.Word Formation In English ✧PlayVideo
HINDI1.Sharir Ke Ango Ke Namm (parts ✧PlayVideo
2.Spoken & Written Hindi - Kriya ✧PlayVideo
LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE1.Information Sources ✧PlayVideo
2.Library And Society ✧PlayVideo
3.Library Classification / Infor ✧PlayVideo
4.Library Management ✧PlayVideo
5.Plagiarism Software Tools ✧PlayVideo
6.Universal Decimal Classificati ✧PlayVideo
LINGUISTICS1.Learning Disabilities ✧PlayVideo
MATHEMATICS1.Abstract Algebra� ✧PlayVideo
2.Calculus €� Beta Function - M ✧PlayVideo
3.Calculus €� Beta And Gamma Fu ✧PlayVideo
4.Real Analysis ✧PlayVideo
MATHEMATICS 1.Real Analysis Unit-2 ✧PlayVideo
2.Real Analysis Unit-3 ✧PlayVideo
MICROBIOLOGY1.Bacterial Internal Cell Struct ✧PlayVideo
MUSIC1.19bmtc14 €� Practical - Mrida ✧PlayVideo
PHILOSOPHY1.Introduction To Philosophy ✧PlayVideo
PHYSICS1.Electro-magnetic Theory - ✧PlayVideo
2.Quantum Mechanics - Introducti ✧PlayVideo
3.Quantum Mechanics - Part 1- Re ✧PlayVideo
4.Quantum Mechanics - Part 2- Re ✧PlayVideo
5.Quantum Mechanics - Part 3-rel ✧PlayVideo
6.Quantum Mechanics - Part 4- Re ✧PlayVideo
2.Indian Constituton ✧PlayVideo
3.Principles Of Political Scienc ✧PlayVideo
4.The State ✧PlayVideo
PSYCHOLOGY1.Advanced Social Psychology ✧PlayVideo
2.Motivation ✧PlayVideo
3.Psychotherapy ✧PlayVideo
4.Research Made Easy ✧PlayVideo
5.Testing Of Hypothesis Using T- ✧PlayVideo
6.Testing Of Hypothesis Using St ✧PlayVideo
7.Who Am I? ✧PlayVideo
RURAL DEVELOPMENT 1.Pra: Methods And Technologies ✧PlayVideo
2.Prt: Methods And Technologies ✧PlayVideo
SOCIOLOGY1.Advanced Socialogy Princples ✧PlayVideo
2.Introduction To Social Work ✧PlayVideo
3.Research Methods And Statistic ✧PlayVideo
4.Social Problems ✧PlayVideo
5.Social Work Practice With Indi ✧PlayVideo
6.Sociological Theories ✧PlayVideo
YOGA STUDIES1.Naturopathy ✧PlayVideo
2.Pranayama €� Nadi Sudhi Prana ✧PlayVideo
3.Yoga For Healthy Life Style ✧PlayVideo
4.Yoga Therapy ✧PlayVideo
5.Yoga Therapy ✧PlayVideo
6.Yogic Concept Of Human Body ✧PlayVideo
YT Shorts Library & Information Science1.Colon Classification - Engine ✧PlayVideo
2.Colon Classification - Botany. ✧PlayVideo
3.Colon Classification - Chemist ✧PlayVideo
4.Colon Classification - Chemist ✧PlayVideo
5.Colon Classification - Economi ✧PlayVideo
6.Colon Classification - History ✧PlayVideo
7.Colon Classification - Literat ✧PlayVideo
8.Colon Classification - Mathema ✧PlayVideo
9.Colon Classification - Medicin ✧PlayVideo
10.Colon Classification - Spiritu ✧PlayVideo
11.Colon Classification - Superim ✧PlayVideo
12.Colon Classification - Technol ✧PlayVideo
13.Colon Classification - Useful ✧PlayVideo
14.Colon Classification -alphabet ✧PlayVideo
15.Colon Classification -biology ✧PlayVideo
16.Colon Classification -cc 1000 ✧PlayVideo
17.Colon Classification -educatio ✧PlayVideo
18.Colon Classification -library ✧PlayVideo
19.Colon Classification -literatu ✧PlayVideo
20.Colon Classification : Literat ✧PlayVideo
ZOOLOGY1.Ecology ✧PlayVideo